Up Coming Events
经过一番沉淀与等待,我们Livehouse 终于齐动了!
这将是今年Livehouse 制作的第一个实体演唱会,邀请了本地四位创作女歌手,四个专场,一同分享各自美好的作品!用最真挚温暖的歌声唱歌给大家听~
张祚恩 ZuoEn :8th Oct 2021
黄亭之Tingzhi HZ :29th Oct 2021
叶玉棂Yokez : 12th Nov 2021
高洁萍 Aly Koh: 26th Nov 2021
时间: 8pm -930pm
地点:Livehouse @ 10 square
Orchard Central, 181 Orchard Road, #10-01
Singapore 238896
票价: S$48/-
张祚恩 ZuoEn: 8th Oct 2021
https://zuoen -livehouse2021.peatix.com
黄亭之 Tingzhi HZ : 29th Oct 2021
https://tingzhi -livehouse.peatix.com
叶玉棂 Yokez : 12th Nov 2021
高洁萍 Aly Koh 26th Nov 2021
#LivehouseSG #Livehouse #Yokez叶玉棂 #張祚恩 #ZuoEn #黄亭之Tingzhi.hz# aly Koh 高洁萍#

“LIVE TO GIVE” virtual concert as a rallying call for its citizens to share and engage. It is curated as a light-hearted, influential and easily relatable online music concert composed by indie artistes from Singapore. This initiative has always been the ethos of LIVEHOUSE. “LIVE TO GIVE” It will be held on the 13 November 2020 , 8pm . Facebook Live. https://www.facebook.com/Livehouse.sg
“LIVE TO GIVE” 线上音乐会 致力于倡导国人分享与献爱心。LIVEHOUSE 经由新加坡独立音乐,以轻松有趣的方式呈现这具有影响力的音乐会。这也一直是LIVEHOUSE的精神 -“LIVE TO GIVE” 13 November 2020 , 8PM . Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/Livehouse.sg

Past Events

人生,是一个沉淀的过程,不断经历一些事情以后又不断地忘却,留下的就是自己最后拥有的东西!经过半年的沉淀和等待,Livehouse 终于可以再起动了!
Covid-19加深了数字鸿沟,尤其对于处境困难的孩子们。本音乐分享会Live To Give为ENGAGE筹款,为这些孩子提供电脑设备和培训。请帮助捐赠以支持http://bit.ly/engage20-20
记得在下周三30/9 晩上9pm
一起来支持我们本地四位独立创作歌手,李俊纬 Marcus,叶玉棂 Yokez ,绍斌 Jarvis ,郑洁仱 Zerlene 来分享他们这半年从疫情当中的体会与自己的创作歌曲和他们灵感来源!
Covid-19 has exposed and deepened the digital divide especially among our disadvantaged children.
This showcase fundraises for the ENGAGE programme that seeks to bridge this digital divide by providing digital devices and training for these children.Please help donate to support ENGAGE at Giving.sg
10.01.2020 ~ 12.01.2020 呼锐文创市集

A celebration of youth, style and good vibes awaits at the coolest-ever Hooray RE•MIX Market! Featuring over 50 creative makers from the region with handmade crafts, unique fashion collectibles and art pieces, don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on some retail therapy, topped with live Chinese music performances by local and overseas indie bands throughout the day!
想要找时尚饰品、独特的手工艺品吗?记得来“呼锐! 文创市集”逛一逛!汇集来自本地、马来西亚和台湾的年轻创意企业家,超过四十个文创摊位,售卖的商品包罗万象,肯定让您逛得停不下来。在享受购物之余,您还能全天欣赏来自本地与海外独立乐团的精彩华语音乐表演,边逛边听音乐,正是年轻人的最爱!
Hooray! Collective Market
Website: https://www.hooraycollective.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hooraycollectivemarket/
If you want to be part in our future event, kindly leave your contact information. Booth application form URL: https://forms.gle/UPTwRb29T2We9ks46
Take a look at our past events!
10.01.2020 ~ 12.01.2020 呼锐文创市集

A celebration of youth, style and good vibes awaits at the coolest-ever Hooray RE•MIX Market! Featuring over 50 creative makers from the region with handmade crafts, unique fashion collectibles and art pieces, don’t miss this opportunity to catch up on some retail therapy, topped with live Chinese music performances by local and overseas indie bands throughout the day!
想要找时尚饰品、独特的手工艺品吗?记得来“呼锐! 文创市集”逛一逛!汇集来自本地、马来西亚和台湾的年轻创意企业家,超过四十个文创摊位,售卖的商品包罗万象,肯定让您逛得停不下来。在享受购物之余,您还能全天欣赏来自本地与海外独立乐团的精彩华语音乐表演,边逛边听音乐,正是年轻人的最爱!
Hooray! Collective Market
Website: https://www.hooraycollective.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hooraycollectivemarket/
If you want to be part in our future event, kindly leave your contact information. Booth application form URL: https://forms.gle/UPTwRb29T2We9ks46
29.11.2019 ~ 01.12.2019 呷欢喜文创市集

以活泼创意生活型态所设计的华语和福建(闽南 语)文创艺术活动 “呷欢喜文创市集”,将华语和福建传统转型为全民皆能够更容易接受的概念,从同侪的相互影响力及各类型相关活动来提升年轻人 对母语与方言文化的喜爱与认同,进而落实新加坡 双语并进和自己对方言的了解。
“Creative Bazzar @ The Metropolis” transforms the Chinese and Fujian tradition into a lively and creative concept that is more acceptable to all, through peer interaction and various types of related activities that enhance the recognition of mother tongue and dialect culture for young people.
呷欢喜文创市集 - 摊商招募 Booth Application https://forms.gle/ZnqdibF613u4Rs5VA
Creative Bazaar@The Metropolis
Website: https://www.creativebazaar.biz/
25.5.2019 ~ 26.5.2019 新生活文创市集